Hi, I'm Sara Reimer

Prairie Moon Sleep Solutions Founder

As a mom and a pediatric sleep consultant with years of experience, I understand the challenges families face when it comes to their children’s sleep. From those sleepless newborn nights, to toddler bedtime battles, to a school-aged child with anxiety at bedtime, I’ve been there too.

I remember feeling like a failure as a new mom, with a baby nursing all night long and fighting sleep during the day, and a toddler not sleeping through the night either. I had no energy to play with my toddler or spend time with my husband, and my kids and I were tired and miserable. I wanted better for my family. But no matter how many books or online articles I read, I couldn’t find a long-term solution to get my kids to sleep. I felt helpless and alone. I knew there had to be a better way.

Getting sleep for my children (and consequently myself) was life-changing! I instantly became passionate about sleep and supporting other sleep-deprived moms. I became a Certified Sleep Sense Consultant from the most acclaimed program and created Prairie Moon Sleep Solutions.

Based out of my hometown of Virden, Manitoba, I service families across North America virtually. My mission is to empower and support families like yours with the knowledge and strategies needed to triumph over sleep struggles and achieve restful nights and joyful days.

Together, we’ll bring back those peaceful nights and moonlit dreams.


Prairie Moon Sleep Solutions

Newborn, Baby, Toddler, and School-Age Child Sleep Consulting

Located in Virden, Manitoba and serving families across North America virtually

Email: sara@prairiemoonsleepsolutions.com


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