5 Reasons Your Baby or Toddler is Fighting Sleep

Although it seems like your child is fighting sleep, there are actually other issues going on.

Your baby’s not avoiding sleep; they’re having a hard time going to sleep.

Here are 5 possible reasons why and how you can help:


1) Overtired or Undertired

If your child’s going to sleep too late and becomes overtired, they’re likely to catch a second wind, be fussy, and have a difficult time falling asleep. On the other hand, if they’re going to sleep too soon, it can mean that they’re not tired enough to fall asleep yet.

You may need to adjust your child’s awake windows or sleep schedule so that they’re going to sleep when they’re tired, but not too tired.



As your baby gets older, they may have a “fear of missing out” on all the exciting things to see and do during the day, which can cause some resistance at naptime or bedtime.

Stick to quiet and calm activities before sleep and have relaxing naptime and bedtime routines.


3) Personality & Temperament

For some babies, especially those who are more spirited or intense, a little bit of fussing or crying is a normal part of life when we’re putting them down to sleep (among other things).


4) Separation Anxiety

Around 8 months old, some babies start experiencing some separation anxiety. Rather than fighting sleep, your child may be upset about the separation, making it harder to fall asleep.

Offer plenty of attention and affection while your child’s awake and find a gradual separation approach you feel comfortable with.


5) Has Help Falling Asleep

Many babies or toddlers that have help falling asleep (with things like rocking, feeding, or laying beside a parent) wake up crying as soon as you lay them in the crib or try to leave the room because they’ve noticed the change.

Try putting your baby or toddler to bed awake and help them learn their own skills for falling asleep.


Not sure how to help your baby learn their own skills for falling asleep? I can help. Book your Free Sleep Evaluation Call to learn how.